Update as of Monday, October 28, 2013: On Friday, November 1st, the final phase of the NSCA street rehabilitation project will occur. The affected streets will be Atlantic Drive from Niguel Shores Dr. to Marmara Bay, Danzig Bay, Cassandra Bay, Taranto Bay, Ionian Bay and Kara Bay. This area will be closed for traffic during the hours of 7:30 am until up to 5 pm. For those homeowners or tenants affected, if you plan to use your vehicle during this time period, please relocate your vehicle prior to this time period and use alternative parking. Alternative parking is along Niguel Shores Dr. or designated parking areas on Atlantic Dr. between Coral Bay and Bothnia Bay. No parking is allowed on the PCH bridge.
NSCA Street Rehabilitation Project
- Seal Coat Schedule – Updated as of Monday, October 28, 2013
- Overlay Schedule
- Alternative Parking Options
NSCA has contracted with Premier Paving for the last asphalt overlay of the Association’s streets. In addition to the overlay, they will be doing asphalt and concrete repair and seal coat of other streets, The areas effected are the Sea Terrace I homes and the Atlantic Drive Garden homes. The project will a start the latter of September and be completed in October. Individual home owners will be notified before work is started on their streets. There will be street closures involved, but they should last no longer than 24 hours.