Men’s Club – Steve Blanc & Board President

Men’s Club

   On September 17 the featured speaker at the Men’s Club meeting was Steve Blanc, who works for a food bank charity called Second Harvest. He’s retired from a fortune 500 corporation and devotes himself to spreading the message of feeding the poor in Orange County. Second Harvest feeds approximately 200,000 people a month and they estimate that there are as many as 400,000 people that go hungry. Generally they are people who have lost their jobs or are the working poor that can’t quite make ends meet.

   After Steve Blanc spoke, our own John Dougherty, from the Niguel Shores Board, gave us an update on the revetment situation. For those not familiar with it, the revetment is located below the Breakers Isle homes and protects the slope from slides. It has been determined that the revetment can’t withstand a strong storm. The County of Orange is willing to spend three million dollars to replace it. The Coastal Commission requires a public access walkway if the replacement is done. A group of Breakers Isle home owners have hired a lawyer and are blocking the replacement, since this is on their property.  The Niguel Shores Board has decided that since the Breakers Isle home owners group is blocking the replacement, they should be responsible for repairing the slope if there is a slide, not the entire Niguel Shores community. A ballot will be sent out soon to vote on this proposition.

   Mark your calendars: The annual Men’s Club Christmas Dinner will be on December 18 at the El Niguel Country Club.

   The Men’s Club is both social and philanthropic. We offer golf outings, an annual trip to the horse races at Del Mar, as well as our famous 4th of July breakfast which is one of the ways we raise money for the Dana Hills High School Scholarship Fund. Bill Talley
