Men’s Club – 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month in the Clubhouse

At our meeting on August 20 the featured speaker was Dr. Goerig, a Board Certified Dermatologist. Put it on your calendar: The Men’s Club will be having our annual Christmas Dinner on Wednesday, December 18 at the El Niguel Country Club.

The Niguel Shores Men’s Club meets every first and third Tuesday of the month at the ClubHouse. We begin at 8:00 a.m. with breakfast where it’s a great opportunity to get together with our neighbors. All men residents of Niguel Shores are invited and we are always welcoming new members. Our interesting speakers generally are from local government, businesses, the medical profession, law enforcement, fire department and the military.

The Men’s Club is both social and philanthropic. We offer golf outings, an annual trip to Del Mar, as well as our famous 4th of July Breakfast. This breakfast is o of the ways our organization raises money for the Dana Hills High School Scholarship Fund. Come and join our group at our next Tuesday morning meeting on September 3.

—Bill Tally
