June is the time for our Installation Tea so get out your hats and pretty summer dresses (gloves not required) and please bring your prettiest porcelain tea cup and saucer. The Tea will be in the ClubHouse at noon on Thursday, June 13.
This is our last meeting until September so please do bring your checkbook and pay your dues (or take your check to the office—$10 please to the NSWC). The Womens Club Directory will be assembled during the summer and you will want to be in it. If you have a change of e-mail, telephone, address, etc., please tell Ginny Nevitt, the Membership Chair, when you pay your dues.
We certainly had one of the best Home Tours ever! It was sold out early and 100 attendees and homeowners were served a lovely catered lunch in the ClubHouse where the tables were charmingly decorated with sandcastles and seashells. There were interesting and unique houses, generous home owners, enthusiastic viewers and, it was a beautiful day. Thanks again to the Committee Chairs, Suzanne Enis and Marilyn Moon. Good job well done!
Note:You will receive your e-mail invitation to the Installation Tea on Thursday, June 6. Please respond by Sunday, June 9 at 5:00 p.m. No need to bring salads—volunteers are providing the dainty sandwiches and other goodies.
—Mary Crowl
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