Calling all Teens: In a few short weeks, school will be out. Do we hear a few cheers? The Communication Committee and the Seashore News would like to invite all NSCA teens to write an article for the Seashore News. With all your blogability and web-savvy, we are sure you can come up with your own interesting article. But just in case, here are some suggestions to get your creative spark going…What are your plans for the summer? Any interesting travels or adventures? Do you have a summer job? Volunteering anywhere? Were you a recipient of a scholarship from the Men’s Club or any other organization? Is it still cool to use the word dude? If you are a senior, what will you miss about high school and what are your college plans? Do you play a sport?
We don’t want this to feel like a summer school assignment, we would just enjoy hearing from all of you. In other words, we can offer you space to share your stories and photos. And who knows, it might look pretty good on your college application to say that you were a reporter for an award winning Newsletter. Hope to hear from you. Please forward your article, along with any photos, to Matt Northrop at
To Parents: If you’re the only ones in the home reading this article, please share with your teens. Thanks!
—Matt Northrop, Patti Staudenbaur and Ellen Dovey