Page Turners – 1,000 White Women

Page Turners Book Club will meet this month to discuss, 1000 White Women, by Jim Fergus. Once again, I haven’t had a chance to read this and had to rely on a review from two Amazon readers. The premise is based on an honest request made at a peace conference by a Cheyenne Indian Chief in the year 1854 to trade white women for horses. The women would become brides and the children of these unions would make assimilation into the white man’s society easier for the Indians who astutely saw the future at hand, and were looking for a peaceful solution. The author assures us that in real life this never took place but, in this book it does, and the story that follows is nothing but magnificent.

May Dodd has been betrayed by her upper-class Chicago family, and wrongfully imprisoned in a mental institution for loving a man below her social class. She is offered the opportunity for release if she will participate in a government-sponsored campaign to send white brides to Cheyenne warriors in order to eventually assimilate the “savages” into the world of the white man. What follows is the journal of her travels out west, the other women volunteers she befriends, and her experiences living with the Cheyenne tribe as the wife of Chief Little Wolf.

What a concept for a book. I can’t wait to start reading it.

The Monday morning group will meet on March 25, at 10:00 at the home of Chris Beaver at 24121 Windward. The discussion leader, Ginny Nevitt, will be at both Monday meetings. The Monday afternoon group will meet at 12:30 in the home of Hansa Sehgal, 33671 Windlass. The Thursday afternoon group will meet at the ClubHouse at 1:00 on March 28.

For more information about Page Turners contact: Gretchen

Rask: 489-2259- Monday morning. Diane

Hearne: 661-6267- Monday afternoon. Lisa

Buchner: 496-9546-Thursday afternoon.

—Lisa Buchner