Oreo Book Club – Time to Start Thinking: American in the Age of Descent by Edward Luce

TThe Really Serious Oreo Cookie Book Club met March 20 at the home of Barbara Milner to discuss the book Drift—The Unmooring of American’s Military Power by Rachael Maddow. Phyllis Tezer recommended the book and led us, by provocative questions, through an exploration of the Presidential initiated wars beginning with Ronald Regan and the Contra Affair. The actions of Clinton and then Bush in these engagements were discussed. It is hoped that America’s taste for high adventure and military domination will become more muted as a result of the high cost in life and the excessive costs to our economy.

The April 17 meeting will be at 1:30 p.m. at the home of Norton Schwartz where the Club will discuss Edward Luce’s Time to Start Thinking: American in the Age of Descent.

—Norton Schwartz
