The Page Turners Book Club will meet this month to discuss The Whistling Season, by Ivan Doig. “Ivan Doig has written another captivating account of life on the homesteads of eastern Montana in the early 20th Century. This book is centered on one of the old one-room schoolhouses that were common in rural areas of the west through the first half of the last century. The book is a fascinating account of life in those days, with some surprising twists. A book to savor, but one that is very hard to put down. At least as good as his other early Montana stories.” This sounds like a good read to me. I look forward to the experience and forming my opinion. It’s always fun to hear what others have to say about it, too. Our best discussions come when we have divergent opinions.
The Monday morning group will meet on February 25, at 10:00 at the home of Ceacy Johns, 33545 Halyard Drive. The Monday afternoon group will meet at 12:30 in the home of Irene McDonald, 24076 Gourami Bay. Diane Hearne will lead both discussions. The Thursday afternoon group will meet at the ClubHouse at 1:00 on February 28.
For more information about Page Turners contact:
Gretchen Rask: 489-2259 — Monday morning
Diane Hearne: 661-6267 — Monday afternoon
Lisa Buchner: 496-9546— Thursday afternoon
—Lisa Buchner