Page Turners’ Book Club will meet this month to discuss, Moloka’i, by Alan Brennert. Moloka’i is an interesting novel about a young Hawaiian leper, Rachel, banished to Kalaupapa, a quarantined colony on Moloka’i, at the turn of the last century, when leprosy was a relatively misunderstood disease. The notion of the colony is fascinating and the devastation one instance of leprosy can do to one young woman and her family is fully explored. Some who have started reading the book are reporting it is difficult to put down and they are enjoying it very much. We’ll see how the rest of the group feels at our meetings.
The Monday morning group will meet on January 28, at 10:00 in the home of Karla Sanders, at 33902 Manta Court. The Monday afternoon group will meet at 12:30 at the home of Ginny Nevitt. She lives at 23862 Marmara Bay. Phyllis Tezer will lead the discussion for both groups. The Thursday afternoon group will meet at the ClubHouse at 1:00 on January 31.
For more information about Page Turners contact:
Gretchen Rask: 489-2259 — Monday morning
Diane Hearne: 661-6267 — Monday afternoon
Lisa Buchner: 496-9546 — Thursday afternoon
—Lisa Buchner