We always appreciate your comments and suggestions and would like to say thanks again to Brian Kelley. He suggested that we make it easier to find the DwellingLive gate login on the webpage. We have now added a tab at the top of the homepage. The login still appears at the bottom of the homepage, but we hope this good suggestion makes the gate login more visible and easier to locate.
We would also like to say thanks to Bruce Davis for taking the time to send the terrific pictures of the September 2 Beach Bluff BBQ. If you have any pictures of NSCA activities, committees, club events or some of our beautiful scenery, please send those to Matt Northrop (mnorthrop@niguelshores.org) and we will add them to our website gallery. If you can list the names of the people in the photos that is always helpful and much appreciated. As always, we welcome your suggestions and contributions to the website (niguelshores.org).
—Matt Northrop, Patti Staudenbaur and Ellen Dovey