The Womens Club will begin its new year with an entertaining and informative program by a previous and popular speaker, Niguel Shores’ own Rhonda Dunlevie. Rhonda is the founder and director of Interior Consultants, a full-service interior design firm and will enlighten us about design and decor.
The luncheon is, as always, the second Thursday of the month, the 13th of September. It begins at 12:00 in the ClubHouse. Look for your e-mail invitation on Thursday, September 6 and please answer to let us know if you are coming by Sunday, September 9. If you are planning to attend, you will then be informed by e-mail about bringing a salad.
Please note the following rule changes: The luncheon attendance fee has been increased to $3. Members are to bring a salad for 10 to 12 every other time they attend. Members bringing guests will be asked to pay $5 for each guest ($3 for table service and $2 toward the purchase of extra salads). Members bringing guests are not required to bring an extra salad. These rule changes were passed by the Board and announced at the June tea.