Nearly everyone in Niguel Shores is aware, by this time, that we have a new landscape contract. Harvest Landscape has been with us for six months now and is hard at work attending to landscape problems that have been accumulating for the past forty years. But, did you know that Harvest grows its own flowers? And, when our bedding plants need to be replaced, it costs us nothing? It’s part of our contract with Harvest. It’s intriguing to observe what has been planted, as the new plants are green, and the flower beds slowly fill with a riot of color, so pleasing to the eye.
Another advantage of Harvest Landscape is that they understand our satellite watering system and are able to work with it. As a result, our grass is greener, in spite of the lack of rain this past winter. We do still have brown spots, however, and they will be attended to if residents will report them. Please do that. Submit a Homeowner’s Request to the office. Perhaps you have a broken sprinkler or a sprinkler has been blocked by over-growth. Whatever reason, and whatever your landscape problem, a Homeowner’s Request is the best way to attend to your landscaping needs.
And lastly, if you are a dog owner and you walk about our community with your pet, PLEASE be a good citizen and clean up after your dog. It only takes a minute and is appreciated by everyone.
— Linda Ross