Dippy Dolphins – April 2012

The Dippy Dolphins would like to invite more men to join our group! Water aerobics is a very good exercise! If you have arthritis, any kind of muscle, back, joint, or bone pain, this exercise is very therapeutic. The women in this group do not “scare” the “lone” man who attends. Steve Morris holds his own! In fact, he participates and is enlightened by the movie, book, restaurant and travel reviews that are subjects of conversation. Most of the time, however, we are usually listening to our leader’s exercise directions!

The Dippys also plan and have fun celebrating “special” birthdays of members. Our last “party” honored our instructor, Cynthia’s, birthday. As coach of the Dana Point High School’s swim team, she is truly a remarkable person. All NS residents are welcome to join this group! We meet MWF from 9:00 to 10:00 a.m.

—Bunny Ross
